Thursday, November 24, 2011

Another chance to ride...

Today I met my father's eldest sister, Auntie Alma, and her husband, Uncle Lester, who has been training horses since he was in high school. I had the chance to ride six-year old Jasper, an Apalloosa horse, in the ring after a few months hiatus from Katherine's lessons in Stockbridge, MA. It was nice to get back in the saddle again with a new horse, and not be afraid. Tomorrow I'm breaking up Thanksgiving courses with a ride on a Tennessee Walker. Fun times!

Monday, November 21, 2011


I say union because reunion implies a returning, a customary practice, or tradition. But this week during Thanksgiving for the first time I will be meeting my three brothers. I will meet nieces and a nephew that I never knew I had, and two sisters that I haven't seen since I was nine years old. I am doing all of this in company with a father that I never knew wanted to be a part of my life. This is an immensely personal post coming at a time that I have awaited for nearly my entire life. Painful voids are slowly being filled, at the very least some questions are being answered. I am not writing this to expose a painful past but to simply state that at times it was, and to remind all, that no matter the experiences we've lost or the memories that we didn't get to make with missed loved ones, there is always tomorrow and a million memories more to make. Their is always today and the dreams we still hold dear.

Today I picked my father up from the Birmingham Airport. Tomorrow we are driving with my two youngest sisters to Blakely, Georgia, where I will be surrounded by family I never knew I had but waits for me still. Tomorrow I go to embrace them with the diamond cross my father gave me hanging around my neck. Though it does not represent who I am spiritually, I wear it in solidarity and respect for my family, to remember that despite differences, family is the most important thing beneath the sky, and because I truly believe that something both outside of myself and within myself - God - is what has finally brought all of us together.

I also need to say that I did grow up with a dad, and that even though he is not my biological father, I am so thankful to have him in my life still, even years after his separation from my mother. Now my life is twice-blessed. Where there was one, there are now two. What could I be more thankful for over Thanksgiving? I am so grateful for all the love I have flowing into my life, and for the generous souls that have touched me during this past year. I have changed and grown for the better because of it, for it, and in spite of those that try to tell me otherwise. Start following your dreams today and live the life you deserve to live right now, and don't forget to say THANK YOU!

May all of you have a Happy Thanksgiving!
